AUSTIN, TEXAS - March 22, 2007

WHAT: With more businesses and consumersturning to mobile Voice over IP (VoIP) to stay connected affordably,competitive service providers must offer the application without strainingexisting network infrastructure and negatively impacting the user experience.

Frank Hanzlik, Managing Director ofthe Wi-Fi Alliance, will moderate a panel addressing how service providers can leverageWi-Fi to add mobile VoIP offerings while continuing to deliver on consumers'expectations for availability, security, and Quality-of-Service.

In the panel entitled, "Ensuring Mobile Functionality,"industry experts will discuss where the technology is today, where it is headedand how to integrate Voice over Wi-Fi into carrier business models. They willalso share how to effectively plan for the customer implications andsuccessfully implement these systems while maintaining customer satisfaction.

Issuescovered in this panel include:

  • State of Wi-Fi technology:silicon, infrastructure and client devices
  • Tools and programs to deliverthe best user experience through voice and multimedia applications
  • Maximizing commercial profitability:examining business models
  • Integrating mobile VoIP intoexisting infrastructure

WHO: Panelists

  • Joe Epstein, Chief Architect, Meru Networks
  • RobFranzo, Director of Marketing, Broadcom
  • BenGuderian, Vice President of Market Strategies and Industry Relations,SpectraLink
  • DanLowden, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing, Wayport
  • SteveWilhoff, Senior Standardization Manager, Nokia

WHEN: Monday,March 26, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.


VoIP Mobility Conference, Room 308A

CTIA Wireless 2007

Orange Country Convention Center

Orlando, Florida

About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-FiAlliance is a global, non-profit industry association of more than 300 membercompanies devoted to promoting the growth of wireless Local Area Networks(WLANs). With the aim of enhancing the user experience for mobile wirelessdevices, the Wi-Fi Alliance's testing and certification programs ensure theinteroperability of WLAN products based on the IEEE 802.11 specification. Sincethe introduction of the Wi-Fi Alliance's certification program in March 2000,more than 3,300 products have been designated as Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, encouragingthe expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services across the consumer andenterprise markets.

MEDIA CONTACT: To schedule a meeting with the Wi-FiAlliance at CTIA, contact: Dominic Ybarra,A&R Edelman, +1 415-265-3032, Additionally, findthe Wi-Fi Alliance at CTIA Booth #1783.