Episode 74: CEO Insights: Wi-Fi Alliance® and Mike Finley of Boingo
In today's episode, we're bringing back our CEO Insights series with Kevin Robinson, CEO of Wi-Fi Alliance, and Mike Finley, CEO of Boingo, to explore how Wi-Fi is enabling new levels of connectivity and security for airports, military bases, and IoT applications. Kevin and Mike discuss some of Boingo's recent deployments, including the first launch of Wi-Fi 7 at a public venue, and we talk about the importance of continually evolving networks as the demand for connected devices continues its upward momentum. Listen to learn more, and hear about some of the major connectivity trends we're expecting to see in 2025.
The Critical Role of 5G and Wi-Fi on U.S. Military Bases
Transforming Airports with Next Generation 5G & Wi-Fi
5G Playbook for Stadiums & Arenas
Transforming Hospital Operations with Private 5G Networks
The statements and opinions by Wi-Fi Alliance members or other thought leaders appearing as guests on the podcast are providing comments that are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions or views of Wi-Fi Alliance or any other member. Wi-Fi Alliance is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information provided by any member while recording this podcast. Concerns should be directed to info@wi-fi.org.