Podcast April 26, 2022

Episode 13: Wi-Fi® and the future of remote work with Harry Dewhirst, CEO of Linksys

Wi-Fi QoS Management, Security

In this episode, we talk to Harry Dewhirst, CEO of Linksys, about the various ways Wi-Fi is driving the future of secure, remote work. Approximately 35 million people in North America will be working from home by 2025. One of the cornerstones of making remote work feasible is ensuring that it is safe and secure while providing the best quality of experience, and this is a major focus for Linksys innovations. Support for WPA3-Personal and WPA3-Enterprise, Wi-Fi 6 coupled with mesh, and technologies like Wi-Fi QoS Management are helping solve the security and connectivity challenges as employees continue the working from home trend even after the pandemic is over. To learn more about the ways Wi-Fi solutions are enabling the promising future of remote work, listen to this podcast.

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