Podcast November 17, 2022

Episode 23: Accelerating connectivity through OpenWiFi with Huw Reese of NetExperience and Tony Stramandinoli of Edgecore Networks


In this episode, we're talking all about OpenWiFi and the Telecom Infra Project with two guests, Huw Reese, Head of Business Development for NetExperience, and Tony Stramandinoli, General Manager, America’s Branded Division at Edgecore Networks. In this episode, Huw and Tony discuss the disaggregated nature of OpenWiFi and its ability to deliver cost savings to customers. Listen to learn how this technology yields accelerated adoption by Wi-Fi network operators and developing nations alike.

Telecom Infra Project: https://telecominfraproject.com/

For Wi-Fi Alliance: www.wi-fi.org

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General Contact: https://www.wi-fi.org/contact-us


The statements and opinions by Wi-Fi Alliance members or other thought leaders appearing as guests on the podcast are providing comments that are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions or views of Wi-Fi Alliance or any other member. Wi-Fi Alliance is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information provided by any member while recording this podcast. Concerns should be directed to info@wi-fi.org.