Podcast July 25, 2023

Episode 43: A deep dive into Wi-Fi Location™ with Jonathan Segev of Intel and Roy Want of Google

Wi-Fi Location

In today's episode, we're discussing Wi-Fi Location™ with two special guests, Jonathan Segev, Senior Wireless Standards Engineer at Intel, and Roy Want, Senior Research Scientist at Google. Jonathan and Roy tell us how Fine Timing Measurement helps to measure locations, and how indoor navigation, inventory management, and customer shopping experiences are driving enterprise usage of Wi-Fi Location. We also discuss how indoor and outdoor access points using Wi-Fi Location share their position with Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC). Listen to this episode to learn more about how future applications will be impacted by Wi-Fi Location.

More information on Wi-Fi Location: https://www.wi-fi.org/discover-wi-fi/wi-fi-location

Newly Released IEEE 802.11az Standard Improving Wi-Fi Location Accuracy is Set to Unleash a New Wave of Innovation: https://standards.ieee.org/beyond-standards/newly-released-ieee-802-11az-standard-improving-wi-fi-location-accuracy-is-set-to-unleash-a-new-wave-of-innovation/

Tutorial - Technology & Use Cases for Wi-Fi Location & IEEE 802.11az: https://vimeo.com/827588585?share=copy

IEEE 802.11az provides security enhancements, solves longstanding problems: 

IEEE SA Webinar - Redefining Wi-Fi Based Location with IEEE 802.11az: https://engagestandards.ieee.org/80211az-webinar-register.html.html

IEEE Computer Society Webinar - Next Generation Wi-Fi Positioning: An Overview of IEEE 802.11az: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4382600/390DE1BC13493003E602DFB25B798484?partnerref=sab 

Cisco AP Auto Location and Client Side FTM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkkAt90qs6w   

Aruba’s self-locating Access Points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE_lIOvyrs4 




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