Episode 5: Wi-Fi 6E enterprise considerations with Chuck Lukaszewski of Aruba
In this episode, we talk with Chuck Lukaszewski, Vice President and Wireless CTO of Aruba, about the current state of Wi-Fi 6E and how the adoption of different device classes affects migration strategies for enterprises, as well as what companies need to be thinking about and doing now to evaluate and prepare for Wi-Fi 6E. The conversation delves into the device classes that are key to Wi-Fi 6E, including low power indoor, very low power, and standard power. The episode also discusses factors enterprises need to keep in mind as they plan Wi-Fi 6E upgrades. Tune in to this podcast to stay informed on these key Wi-Fi 6E developments.
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Show links:
With Wi-Fi 6E, Is It Time to Consider a Layer Approach? (Aruba paper): https://www.arubanetworks.com/resource/with-wi-fi-6e-is-it-time-to-consider-a-layered-network-approach
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