Episode 64: Celebrating 25 years of Wi-Fi with David Coleman of Extreme Networks
2024 marks the 25th anniversary of Wi-Fi, and in today's episode, we're celebrating this milestone by taking a walk down memory lane with our guest David Coleman, Director of Wireless in the Office of the CTO at Extreme Networks. David tells us about his first experience with Wi-Fi 25 years ago, and how the technology moved swiftly from the warehouse to the consumer. We talk about the early days of Wi-Fi security and encryption and how WPA provided the solution for safe connectivity and boosted consumer confidence. David tells us how the expansion of smartphones and tablets furthered the adoption of Wi-Fi and how 6 GHz and Wi-Fi 7 are ushering in a new era of connectivity. Join us as we celebrate our favorite connectivity technology.
25 years of Wi-Fi®: Celebrating today’s innovations: https://www.wi-fi.org/beacon/the-beacon/25-years-of-wi-fi-celebrating-todays-innovations
Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7™: https://www.wi-fi.org/discover-wi-fi/wi-fi-certified-7
For Wi-Fi Alliance: https://www.wi-fi.org
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