Austin, TX and Washington D.C – January 24, 2017 – This week, President Donald Trump designated Commissioner Ajit Pai as the new Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Wi-Fi Alliance® congratulates Chairman Pai on his appointment, and is encouraged by Chairman Pai’s commitment to reviving investment and growth of the communications sector.

Users rely more than ever on Wi-Fi® usage and it is therefore critical that adequate unlicensed spectrum remains available. Chairman Pai understands the value Wi-Fi brings to Americans’ daily lives, and has called on the FCC to expand availability of unlicensed spectrum in the 5 GHz band to help boost speeds, eliminate congestion, and enable future innovation. Additionally, Chairman Pai recognizes the value of the 60 GHz band for meeting the needs of users who increasingly demand high-bandwidth applications, and understands the value of WiGig® in spurring innovation for years to come.

Wi-Fi Alliance promotes Wi-Fi connectivity for billions of users worldwide and looks forward to working closely with Chairman Pai on unlicensed spectrum availability and innovation.


About Wi-Fi Alliance®
Wi-Fi Alliance® is the worldwide network of companies that brings you Wi-Fi®. Members of our collaboration forum come together from across the Wi-Fi ecosystem with the shared vision to connect everyone and everything, everywhere, while providing the best possible user experience. Since 2000, Wi-Fi Alliance has certified more than 30,000 Wi-Fi products. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ seal of approval designates products with proven interoperability, backward compatibility, and the highest industry-standard security protections in place. Today, Wi-Fi carries more than half of the internet’s traffic in an ever-expanding variety of applications. Wi-Fi Alliance continues to drive the adoption and evolution of Wi-Fi, which billions of people rely on every day.

Media contacts:
Rachel Nemeth
ML Strategies for Wi-Fi Alliance