Episode 2: Celebrating World Wi-Fi® Day with Dr. Tom Ryan of Santa Fe Public Schools
This week we celebrate World Wi-Fi Day. Dr. Tom Ryan, CIO of Santa Fe Public Schools, joins us to talk about Wi-Fi’s role in connecting students as they transitioned to 100% online remote learning.
With more than 16 billion Wi-Fi devices in use today, it is hard to imagine a day without Wi-Fi. Yet, many students and their families are part of the digital divide, lacking basic internet access from their homes. When the pandemic hit and education went to remote learning, the ability for students to be able to access education virtually became mission critical. Those students without sufficient access to virtual learning were at risk of falling behind their peers. Dr. Ryan will discuss how the Sante Fe Public Schools quickly mobilized to get their students connected across variable, challenging environments and circumstances. He will share insights learned through the process, new innovations that resulted in the delivery of personalized connectivity solutions to students, and the opportunities for the latest generation of Wi-Fi technologies to support the post-pandemic learning environment.
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