SEP 2可互操作协会成立,多家联盟加入,开展大范围生态系统协作

HomePlug® Alliance、Wi-Fi Alliance®和ZigBee® Alliance签署具有里程碑意义的协议,正式成立SEP2可互操作协会(Consortium for SEP 2 Interoperability)。该协会将为智能电网生态系统――包括公用事业部门、产品厂商与消费者――提供应用与设备可互操作性保障。这份协议确定了协会在开发可互操作测试套件过程采用的组织结构。协会计划将于今年八月份发布。

协会将致力于加快可互操作Smart Energy Profile 2 (SEP 2)产品的上市速度,使消费者得以通过有线和无线网络享受到智能电网带来的多种能源管理利益。SEP 2是一种基于互联网协议(IP)的应用,于2009年被美国国家标志与技术研究院(NIST)选定为家庭能源管理设备标准。


协会主席埃德加·菲格诺(Edgar Figueroa)表示:“产品可互操作性是实现智能电网的基础。协会将在多种智能电网生态系统之间开展可互操作验证。”

SEP 2 可互操作协会副主席鲍勃·海勒(Bob Heile)表示:“利用全体协会成员的技术实力,我们将确保SEP 2为消费者提供正面体验,帮助消费者在能源使用方面做出明智选择。”

关于SEP 2可互操作协会 该协会是一家开放式通信技术不可知型(technology-agnostic)论坛,旨在统一和加快可互操作SEP 2产品的实施。协会于2011 年由HomePlug PowerLine AllianceWi-Fi AllianceZigBee Alliance组建。具有相关资质并对SEP 2感兴趣的公司均可加入,请查看《谅解备忘录》了解完整的成员资格信息。如有问题,可与以下联系人联系,也可登录网站


Megan Shockney The Ardell Group for HomePlug Powerline Alliance +1 858-442-3492

Karl Stetson Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance +1 206-268-2215

Rachel Smith GolinHarris for ZigBee Alliance +1 714-918-8208


Wi-Fi® Security Barometer Reveals Large Gap Between What Users Know and What They Do

AUSTIN, TX, October 5, 2011 - Wi-Fi users in the U.S. are confident that they are taking the right steps to protect themselves when using Wi-Fi devices. In fact, 97 percent of Wi-Fi users recently surveyed by Wakefield Research for the Wi-Fi Alliance® report they believe the data on their devices and networks is "safe and secure." However, when asked about which of several recommended steps they have actually taken to protect their Wi-Fi networks or devices, respondents received an overall score of 66 percent, revealing that in practice, users were actually not as safe as they could be.

Most users (86 percent) have taken basic steps to ensure the privacy and security of their Wi-Fi network by enabling security protections on their access point or router. However, the survey data reveals significant gaps that could lead to a false sense of security. Significantly, only 59 percent of users have implemented passwords meeting basic criteria for strength and privacy.

"We are very pleased to see the increase in security awareness and a rise in some of the basic protection measures such as locking down the home network," said Kelly Davis-Felner, marketing director of Wi-Fi Alliance. "But consumers can and should do more to protect themselves. We encourage users to put their knowledge into practice and take a few additional steps to more effectively protect themselves at home and on the go."

Other survey findings included:

  • Two out of three Wi-Fi users recognize that responsibility for the security of their data lies with them
  • Eighty-five percent of survey respondents understand that their Wi-Fi devices should not be set for automatic sharing, yet only 62 percent actually have auto-sharing turned off
  • Only 18 percent of users report that they use a VPN (virtual private network) tool when in a hotspot
  • Users who have suffered the effects of a computer virus are no more likely to have better Wi-Fi security behavior than those who have never had any computer viruses
  • Users who ranked themselves as "tech-savvy" are no more likely to score better on measures of Wi-Fi security behavior than those who said they are less comfortable with technology

Getting a passing grade on Wi-Fi security can be as simple as A-B-C:

A: Enable WPA2™ security on your network and devices. Look for products with Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ for simple, easy-to-use steps to enable security.

B: Passwords are in your control. Create a strong Wi-Fi network password that is at least eight characters long and includes a mixture of upper and lower case letters and symbols. It is a good practice to change passwords on a regular basis, perhaps once a year during Cyber Security Month.

C: When on the go, connect to networks you know and trust and turn off automatic sharing on devices so you can control what you connect to and who/what connects to you.

More information about Wi-Fi security, including innovations that make setting up security easier, is available at Users can test their own security knowledge with a quick online quiz, watch animations about home Wi-Fi security, and download white papers with detailed information.

Methodological note: The Wi-Fi Security Barometer Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research ( between August 12th and August 29th, 2011. For this research, 1,000 interviews were fielded among nationally representative ages 18 and older using random-digit telephone dialing. Quotas were set to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the total U.S. population of Wi-Fi users. Results of any sample are subject to sampling variation. The magnitude of that variation is measurable and is affected by the number of interviews conducted. For the 1,000 interviews conducted, the chances are 95 in 100 that a survey result does not vary, plus or minus, by more than 3.1 percentage points from the result that would be obtained if interviews had been conducted with all persons in the universe represented by the sample.


About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association of hundreds of leading companies devoted to seamless connectivity. With technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, the Wi-Fi Alliance has enabled widespread adoption of Wi-Fi worldwide.

The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ program was launched in March 2000. It provides a widely-recognized designation of interoperability and quality and it helps to ensure that Wi-Fi enabled products deliver the best user experience. The Wi-Fi Alliance has completed more than 11,000 product certifications, encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets. 

Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi Alliance®, WMM®, Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA), the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo, the Wi-Fi ZONE logo and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi Direct™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, Wi-Fi Multimedia™, WPA2™ and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

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Karl Stetson  
Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance



Wi-Fi Alliance® 举办Wi-Fi® 智能能源论坛与首项可互操作Wi-Fi SEP 2 大规模展示活动

201183日,德州奥斯汀讯―― 本周,Wi-Fi Alliance在芝加哥为Wi-Fi智能能源论坛拉开帷幕。活动开幕日还举行了首场大规模Wi-Fi SEP 2可互操作展示活动。此外,美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)智能电网可互操作性国家协调员乔治·阿诺德博士(George Arnold)还在周二上午发表了主题演讲。

“Wi-Fi行业的智能能源应用拥有异乎寻常的发展动力,因此今天的活动将帮助行业参与者和利益相关人携起手来,共同见证Wi-Fi SEP 2的发展。未来人们可以将Wi-Fi技术运用于多种设备和能源管理解决方案,我们的行业正在朝着这个方向大步前进,亲眼见证这一切的确令人激动不已,”Wi-Fi Alliance首席执行官爱德格·菲格罗阿(Edgar Figueroa)如是说。

来自65家公司和组织的100多位参加者出席了本次活动,他们代表了庞大的智能能源生态系统,包括硅芯片与设备提供商、软件与网络厂商以及公用事业和政府机构。论坛的嘉宾发言人来自多个行业的多家公司,包括公用事业领域的杜克能源(Duke Energy)、费城电力(Pennsylvania Power)与光和消费者能源公司(Light and Consumers Energy)代表;汽车行业的福特公司代表;以及消费类设备行业的Whirlpool、LG电子公司和A.O. Smith代表。从家庭网络架构、邻居网络、先进计量基础设施到公用事业透视,再到工业应用,本次会议议程包含多个主题。

首项大型Wi-Fi SEP 2展示活动是活动开幕日的重头戏。来自多个行业的多家厂商参加了展示活动。活动还展示了EP 2在综合型Wi-Fi/HomePlug设置下的运行,以及Wi-Fi与iPad SEP 2客户应用的直接连接。参与展示活动的公司包括:



Elbrys Networks



Intwine Energy

Oak Tree Consulting

Qualcomm Atheros

Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI)



Wi-Fi Alliance技术总监格雷格·埃尼斯(Greg Ennis)表示:“我们骄傲地看到,多家著名公司参加了Wi-Fi智能能源论坛SEP 2展示活动。在Wi-Fi继续大力发展智能能源应用领域的过程中,本次展示活动有力证实了Wi-Fi产业已为多种智能能源实施的商业部署和技术适用性做好了准备。”

活动视频(包括主题演讲和小组讨论)将于8月8日通过Wi-Fi Alliance YouTube Channel发布:

关于Wi-Fi Alliance

Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行业协会,由数百家致力于无缝连接的领先企业组成。Wi-Fi Alliance通过技术开发、市场构建和监管项目推动Wi-Fi技术在全球范围内的普及。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 项目于2000年3月启动,提供受到广泛认可的产品可互操作性与质量认证,确保Wi-Fi产品提供最佳使用体验。截止到目前为止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了10,000多项产品认证,有力地推动了Wi-Fi产品和服务在新兴市场和发达市场的广泛使用。

Wi-Fi®、Wi-Fi Alliance®、WMM®、Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA)、the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED标志、Wi-Fi标志、Wi-Fi ZONE标志和Wi-Fi Protected Setup标志均为Wi-Fi Alliance注册商标。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™、Wi-Fi Direct™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™、Wi-Fi Multimedia™、WPA2™和Wi-Fi Alliance标志均为Wi-Fi Alliance商标。


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Wi-Fi Alliance联系人

Cynthia Shi, Edelman

无线宽带联盟和Wi- Fi Alliance ®携手合作热点创新业务

项目协作将提升跨运营商Wi - Fi®漫游服务,数据下载和用户体验

2011年6月21日,法国巴黎讯- Wi-Fi Alliance和无线宽带联盟(WBA)正式宣布开展合作项目,以协调Wi-Fi 热点相关项目,使其应用和漫游更加轻松。 WBA致力于跨运营商Wi-Fi漫游业务,而Wi-Fi Alliance也在开展Wi-Fi设备认证项目,二者将通过密切合作与协调,共同发展,从而确保最佳的用户体验。
Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™热点认证项目旨在创造必要的技术和测试项目,让Wi-Fi设备可以通过选择和使用无缝网络,在可靠的安全保护和可互操作模式下,轻松地与热点进行连接。Wi-Fi Alliance成员正在为Wi-Fi基础设施设备以及手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑终端等确定技术和认证要求。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 热点认证项目计划定于2012年中期推出,初步测试活动预计将于今年晚些时候开始。
WBA的下一代热点(NGH)项目确定了热点和3G/4G运营商之前互联互通的要求。NGH项目包括综合运营商开发指引和生态系统试验,以方便移入下一代热点技术。 该项目利用基于Wi-Fi-技术的跨网漫游及WBA开发的相关业务最佳实践,适当不同网络间可以进行业务合作,以实现无缝Wi-Fi接入,方便授权网络的数据下载。NGH项目本周将在领先的运营商和供应商之间推出一项试行计划,开通多运营商网络无缝、安全自动验证
Wi-Fi Alliance首席执行官Edgar Figueroa表示:“共同努力协调这两项计划有助于确保为全世界Wi-Fi热点用户体验的改进提供一个完整的解决方案。WBA的工作正好补充了Wi-Fi Alliance为简化热点访问,提供WPA2™安全防护所作的努力,从而使无缝Wi-Fi漫游成为可能。。”
无线宽带联盟首席执行官Shrikant Shenwai 表示:“随着全球热点数目的不断上涨,Wi-Fi应用对服务提供商而言,其战略地位的重要性也在不断攀升,在这一个关键时刻,我们两个机构需要联合起来共同协作。WBA的下一代热点项目旨在为全球运营商实现跨网无缝Wi-Fi用户体验,同Wi-Fi Alliance的合作将最大限度地令最终用户,制造商和服务供应商从创新活动中获取利益。”
关于 Wi-Fi Alliance
Wi-Fi Alliance 是一个全球性非盈利行业协会,由数百家领先公司组成,致力于跨设备和市场领域发展 Wi-Fi 技术。通过技术开发、
市场建设和和标准计划,Wi-Fi Alliance 推动了 Wi-Fi 技术在全球的广泛使用。
Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™计划启动于 2000 年 3 月,是一项得到广泛认可的互操作性及质量认证,旨在帮助确保采用 Wi-Fi 技术的产品可提
供最佳的用户体验。Wi-Fi Alliance 迄今已完成了超过 1 万种产品认证,促进了 Wi-Fi 产品与服务在新兴及成熟市场上的使用。
Wi-Fi®、Wi-Fi Alliance®、WMM®、Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA)、Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 徽标、Wi-Fi 徽标、Wi-Fi ZONE 徽标和
Wi-Fi Protected Setup 徽标是 Wi-Fi Alliance 的注册商标。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™、Wi-Fi Direct™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™、Wi-Fi
Multimedia™和 Wi-Fi Alliance 徽标是 Wi-Fi Alliance 的商标
WBA的使命是:通过提升跨技术、设备和网络间的用户体验,互操作性和服务交付,推动具备Wi-Fi 功能的服务产品的应用。WBA利用其独特的成员组合和强大的运营商资源,为服务终端用户,努力打造具备无缝Wi-Fi体验的生态系统。WBA已经开发了一系列的技术引擎和商业框架,包括屡获殊荣WRiX(无线漫游中介交换),WISPr2.0(现已公布的Wi-Fi漫游增强最佳做法)及其他等。这些对于推动Wi-Fi漫游的全球化发展大有助益。通过这些应用,领先的运营商和漫游服务供应商,成功实现了连贯一致的Wi-Fi漫游体验,同时,减少了实施时间和精力。这些技术引擎正被更为广泛的生态系统所采纳,以整合Wi-Fi 访问技术,让3G网络实现Wi-Fi下载和WiMAX-Wi-Fi互通。WBA积极与其他行业论坛合作,以提升和协调无线宽带漫游标准。
WBA的成员包括全球57家业内领先的无线宽带运营商,极具影响力。众志成城,WBA运营商成员在全球拥有热点共22万,覆盖了欧洲,亚太和美洲主要市场,城市和地区,用户群超过3.5亿。WBA现任董事会成员包括AT&T,BT,Boingo,思科,德国电信,韩国电信,法国Orange,True Internet以及TMN/葡萄牙电信。
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Wi-Fi Alliance 联系人:
Karl Stetson
爱德曼(美国) Wi-Fi Alliance项目组
Matthew Whalley
爱德曼(伦敦) Wi-Fi Alliance项目组 +44 (0)20 3047 2325
Sandrine Cormary
爱德曼(法国) Wi-Fi Alliance项目组
+33 (0)1 56 69 73 86
Martin Dyan
Fishburn Hedges 公司 Wireless Broadband Alliance项目组
+44 207 544 3021
Charlie Howard
Fishburn Hedges公司Wireless Broadband Alliance项目组
+44 207 544 3037

Operators Passpoint

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™获Connected Home 2011 Award大奖

2011531日,德克萨斯州,奥斯汀市—最近在英国伦敦举办的Connected Home Global Summit上,Wi-Fi Alliance®推出的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct 计划获得互联标准最佳贡献奖。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™是一种认证标志,能够在无需使用传统的家庭,办公或热点网络的情况下,在设备与设备之间创建直接连接。

“我们对设备连接的重要贡献得到了认可,对此我们感到很自豪。当今世界信息丰富,Wi-Fi Alliance成员公司为提高Wi-Fi的有用性,合作创造出强大的动态Wi-Fi解决方案。Wi-Fi Direct很好地体现了Wi-Fi®如何不断发展,从而为高级数码家电提供支持。”Wi-Fi Alliance市场总监Kelly Davis-Felner说。

Wi-Fi Direct连接使用户无论是在家中还是出门在外都能享受到设备的无缝连接,极大满足了客户需求。Wi-Fi Direct认证设备可与传统Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™设备创立直接连接。Wi-Fi Direct设备时刻在WPA2™安全保护下进行数据传输,并且通过另一项Wi-Fi Alliance 创新,Wi-Fi Protected Setup™,轻松创建连接。

Wi-Fi Direct认证正大举进军数字家居市场。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct已对多种产品进行认证,从核心技术硅到流行消费电子产品,如高清电视,蓝光播放器,家庭影院系统和智能手机。NPD group 下属部门In-Stat最近公布一项预测,2011年将运送一亿七千三百万Wi-Fi Direct认证设备—这一数字将近占今年全球Wi-Fi设备运送量的五分之一。

In-Stat研究总监Brian O’Rourke 表示,“Wi-Fi Direct背后的技术提供了引人注目的数码家电解决方案。随着应用开发者给出Wi-Fi Direct连接的新解决方案,我们预测来年的导入曲线可能十分强劲。”

想获取更多信息,如目前Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct产品清单,技术规格,白皮书等,请登录

关于Wi-Fi Alliance

Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行业协会,由数百万家致力于在Wi-Fi设备和市场领域推广Wi-Fi技术的领先企业组成。利用技术开发,市场构建和项目监管,Wi-Fi Alliance在全球范围内成功推广了Wi-Fi技术。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™计划于2000年3月面世,提供受到广泛认可的针对产品品质与可互通性的认证,有助于确保Wi-Fi产品提供最佳使用者体验。到目前为止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了8,000多项产品认证,推动了Wi-Fi产品和服务在新兴和成熟市场的普及。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access®(WPA)、Wi-Fi CERTIFIED标识、Wi-Fi标识、Wi-Fi ZONE标识以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup标识均为Wi-Fi Alliance注册商标;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™、Wi-Fi Direct™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™、Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance标识均为Wi-Fi Alliance商标。


订阅Wi-Fi Alliance新闻:


Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance


Wi-Fi Direct

Wi-Fi Alliance®迎来新赞助成员-华为,LG与三星


2011517日,德州奥斯汀讯- 华为技术有限公司、LG电子公司和三星电子有限公司已成为Wi-Fi Alliance赞助成员,三家公司各指定了一名董事加入Wi-Fi Alliance的董事会。这三家技术领袖加入了苹果公司、Atheros、博通公司、思科公司、康卡斯特公司(Comcast)、戴尔、英特尔、微软、摩托罗拉解决方案、诺基亚、索尼公司、T-Mobile和德州仪器的行列,成为拥有近400家成员的Wi-Fi Alliance的赞助成员。

Wi-Fi Alliance首席执行官埃德加。菲格诺(Edgar Figueroa)介绍说: “从消费产品和网络设备制造商,到服务提供商和家电制造商,可以说我们的赞助成员来自各多种行业。华为、LG和三星加入赞助成员的行列,将帮助我们紧跟行业发展趋势,继续确保Wi-Fi® 设备提供最佳用户体验。”

Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球行业组织,由服务提供商、设备制造商和软件公司组成,致力于推动Wi-Fi技术的普及。Wi-Fi Alliance于2000年3月发布了Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 产品标志并发起测试项目,提供得到广泛认可的可互操作与安全标志,帮助用户选择能够提供最佳使用体验的产品。到目前为止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了一万多项产品认证。

华为公司北美无线首席技术官Wen Tong表示:“华为公司致力于为客户提供全天候网络接入支持,在这一业务战略中,Wi-Fi是不可或缺的组成部分。作为网络接入解决方案,Wi-Fi技术正在扮演重要的中心角色。我们 全力支持Wi-Fi Alliance的认证项目,很高兴能够协助Wi-Fi Alliance继续履行其使命。”

LG电子公司研究员(副总裁)Byoung-Hoon Kim博士表示:“在我们开发的许多畅销产品中,Wi-Fi技术都是一种极为重要的特性,而且我们的Wi-Fi产品系列还在不断扩展之中。Wi-Fi Alliance为Wi-Fi技术的发展提供了极为重要的协作环境,因此我们非常高兴能够继续帮助Wi-Fi Alliance为实现其组织目标做出贡献。”

三星电子高级副总裁、标准与技术推动团队负责人Joonho Park 博士介绍说:“利用家电、消费类电子产品、手机以及其他设备中的Wi-Fi技术,用户能够获得全方位的使用体验。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED确保产品具有可互操作性,也是Wi-Fi技术为我们的全球客户所提供的关键功能之一。我们很高兴能够加大对Wi-Fi Alliance的投资,以持续提高质量标准。”

加入Wi-Fi Alliance董事会的新董事包括:


华为技术有限公司:Wen Tong博士,北美无线首席技术官,以及Peiying Zhu博士,无线研发与标准高级总监

LG电子公司:Byoung-Hoon Kim博士,研究员(副总裁),以及Jae-Hyung Song先生,高级研发工程师

三星电子有限公司:Joonho Park博士,高级副总裁,标准与技术推动团队负责人,以及Rakesh Taori先生,标准与技术推动团队总监


新的赞助成员均为Wi-Fi Alliance的积极参与者,新董事的任命将立即生效。


华为是一家领先的电信解决方案提供商,为全球电信运营商前50强中的45家公司提供服务。华为产品与解决方案已被部署于一百多个国家,为全球三分之一人口的通信需求提供支持。公司致力于提供创新定制型产品、服务与解决方案,以期为客户创造长期价值和增长机遇。我们的Twitter地址: ,YouTube地址:。




三星电子有限公司是半导体、电信、数字媒体和数字融合技术的全球领袖。公司2010年综合销售额达到1358亿美元,在全球68个国家设有206家办事,拥有约190,500万名员工。公司由八种独立运营的业务单元组成,即视觉显示、移动通信、电信系统、数字家电、IT解决方案、数字成像、半导体以及液晶显示器。三星电子被公认为增长最快的全球品牌之一,也是数字电视、半导体芯片、手机和TFT-LCD 的领先制造商。

关于Wi-Fi Alliance

Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行业协会,由数百家致力于跨越设备和市场类型推动Wi-Fi技术发展的领先企业组成。Wi-Fi Alliance通过技术开发、市场构建和监管项目推动Wi-Fi技术在全球范围内的普及。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA),Wi-Fi CERTIFIED标志,Wi-Fi标志,Wi-Fi ZONE标志,以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup标志均为Wi-Fi Alliance注册商标;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™,Wi-Fi Direct™,Wi-Fi Protected Setup™,Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance标志均为 Wi-Fi Alliance商标。


Wi-Fi Alliance News RSS链接:


Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance


Jannie Luong



Ken Hong LG电子公司

+82 2 3777 3636

John Godfrey



Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™认证计划迄今已认证产品1万余种推动市场迅猛发展


2011428日,中国北京消息 – Wi-Fi® 行业的核心全球性非盈利商业协会Wi-Fi Alliance® 的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED认证计划迄今已认证了1万余种产品。由于该认证计划的成功推广,目前市场上的数百万Wi-Fi设备均具备最新的功能和安全保护并支持跨品牌互操作。


“我们对Wi-Fi CERTIFIED计划实实在在的巨大影响力以及创造的价值感到非常自豪”,Wi-Fi Alliance首席执行官Edgar Figueroa表示,“Wi-Fi技术十年前还处于其婴儿时期。今天,Wi-Fi技术出现在越来越多的新产品、新应用和新市场上,极大地扩展了我们的联系范围,丰富了我们的体验。随着我们继续开发大量Wi-Fi新功能和应用,Wi-Fi认证将一直是我们互联体验中一个最基础的组成部分。

为了满足市场需求,各制造商正现在认证和出货的Wi-Fi设备比以前都多的多。ABI Research的研究报告称2010年Wi-Fi设备出货量增加到了7.61亿部,并且到2011年末将达到10亿部。Wi-Fi Alliance产品认证数量在2010年增加了62%,是Wi-Fi CERTIFIED认证计划启动以来年比增幅最大的一年。

快速增加的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED产品类别是移动电话和消费电子产品(如电视、平板电脑和游戏设备),加起来共占所有认证的一半以上。 LED-LCD 电视恰好成为了 Wi-Fi Direct™ 和 Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ 的第 10,000 种认证产品。随着Wi-Fi技术的应用从消费电子产品、移动设备和计算机向工业、智能能源、医疗卫生、汽车和其他方面扩展,这一增长趋势有望继续。

“Wi-Fi技术继续给广泛的产品类型增加价值。更轻松的安装和配置使该技术迅速向主流技术靠拢”,ABI Research移动设备高级分析师Victoria Fodale说,“Wi-Fi 技术应用现在遍及企业、家庭、城市和世界各个角落,Wi-Fi认证就是根本推动因素。”

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED设备通过了跨品牌和前几代Wi-Fi技术之间的严格互操作性测试。Wi-Fi认证还要求支持最新和最先进的Wi-Fi安全标准:Wi-Fi Protected Access® 2(WPA2™)。该认证计划可帮助确保出色的用户体验和帮助制造商与服务提供商通过实施行业级、可信赖和经过测试的技术解决方案来降低成本。Wi-

Fi CERTIFIED测试由位于中国、德国、印度、日本、韩国、西班牙、台湾和美国的14个独立授权测试实验室来执行。

欲查看完整的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED产品清单请访问。

关于Wi-Fi Alliance

Wi-Fi Alliance是一个全球性非盈利行业协会,由数百家领先公司组成,致力于跨设备和市场领域发展Wi-Fi 技术。通过技术开发、市场建设和和标准计划,Wi-Fi Alliance推动了Wi-Fi技术在全球的广泛使用。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™计划启动于2000年3月,是一项得到广泛认可的互操作性及质量认证,旨在帮助确保采用Wi-Fi技术的产品可提供最佳的用户体验。Wi-Fi Alliance迄今已完成了超过1万种产品认证,促进了Wi-Fi产品与服务在新兴及成熟市场上的使用。

Wi-Fi®、Wi-Fi Alliance®、WMM®、Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA)、Wi-Fi CERTIFIED徽标、Wi-Fi徽标、Wi-Fi ZONE徽标和Wi-Fi Protected Setup徽标是Wi-Fi Alliance的注册商标。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™、Wi-Fi Direct™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™、Wi-Fi Multimedia™和Wi-Fi Alliance徽标是Wi-Fi Alliance的商标。

Wi-Fi Alliance新闻RSS Feed



爱德曼Wi-Fi Alliance联系人

Wi-Fi Alliance® and Continua® Health Alliance collaborate on personal connected health

Austin, TX and Beaverton, Ore. - February 22, 2011 - The Wi-Fi Alliance and Continua Health Alliance have entered into an agreement to facilitate and promote the adoption of Wi-Fi networking technology in connected health applications. The agreement enables cooperative efforts for joint technical review of Wi-Fi Alliance and Continua Health Alliance specifications and guidelines in order to facilitate interoperability of personal health and fitness applications, thus fueling a great user experience and even faster adoption.

The agreement comes as Wi-Fi technology becomes standard in hospitals, doctor's offices and healthcare facilities. Wi-Fi is increasingly being used to connect patient monitoring devices, home healthcare tools and more. Health-related products from companies such as Draeger, Healthsense and Roche have already achieved the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ designation. The Wi-Fi Alliance has a formal work initiative underway to explore additional certification needs for Wi-Fi across a variety of personal and clinical health care use cases.

"The health care industry has truly embraced Wi-Fi technology, which has resulted in improved patient relations, cost savings and organizational efficiencies," said Wi-Fi Alliance CEO, Edgar Figueroa. "Our collaboration with Continua Health Alliance will help drive the advancement and evolution of Wi-Fi, by providing a known and trusted technology to connect health and fitness devices."

Wi-Fi technology has key attributes which make it an excellent choice to connect personal health devices. Wi-Fi provides whole-home coverage, IP-based communications, industry-standard security protections with push-button setup, and advanced power management mechanisms. With the addition of Wi-Fi Direct™, there will be new ways devices can also connect even when there is no Wi-Fi network available.

"Given its ubiquity in the home, Wi-Fi will play a key role in empowering individuals to better manage their fitness and health," said Chuck Parker, executive director, Continua Health Alliance. "Creating and implementing cost-effective personal connected healthcare technologies that work together to enable individuals to be proactive about their healthcare requires a rich marketplace of interoperable health devices and services. Working with the base that the Wi-Fi Alliance has established will help make that a reality."

Continua established a product certification program with a consumer-recognizable logo and released its first set of design guidelines in January of 2009, signifying the promise of interoperability across certified products. The testing program provides assurance that Continua CertifiedTM products will work together and have demonstrated a capability to connect in a rigorous testing environment. Products that carry the Continua Certified logo are ‘future-proofed' so they are easy to use and re-use, less labor-intensive, free of inefficient technology duplication, and will not become prematurely obsolete as vendors change models. Continua has certified many products to date and expects to certify many more in the coming months. To see a list of these, visit the Continua website.

The Wi-Fi Alliance launched the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED program in March 2000. It provides a widely recognized designation of interoperability and quality, and it helps to ensure that Wi-Fi-enabled products deliver the best user experience. All Wi-Fi CERTIFIED products implement the latest in security technology - Wi-Fi Protected Access® 2 (WPA2™). The Wi-Fi Alliance has completed more than 9,500 product certifications, encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets.

About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association of hundreds of leading companies devoted to the proliferation of Wi-Fi technology across devices and market segments. With technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, the Wi-Fi Alliance has enabled widespread adoption of Wi-Fi worldwide. Learn more and search for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ products at

Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi Alliance®, WMM®, Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA), the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo, the Wi-Fi ZONE logo, and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi Direct™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, Wi-Fi Multimedia™, and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

About Continua Health Alliance
Continua Health Alliance is a non-profit, open industry organization of healthcare and technology companies joining together in collaboration to improve the quality of personal healthcare. With more than 240 member companies around the world, Continua is dedicated to establishing a system of interoperable personal connected health solutions with the knowledge that extending those solutions into the home fosters independence, empowers individuals and provides the opportunity for truly personalized health and wellness management. For more information visit:

Continua Health Alliance and Wi-Fi are registered trademarks of their respective organizations.

Media contacts:


Karl Stetson
Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance
+1 206-268-2215

Karen Riley Sawyer
Nereus for Continua Health Alliance
+1 503-619-0860





201116日,德州奥斯汀讯- 一项由Wakefield Research与 Wi-Fi Alliance®联合开展的调查表明,虽然消费者对部分未来技术的期望并未成为现实,但他们已经欣然接受了其他新技术——尽管此前他们从未想过这些技术将会得到普及,Wi-Fi®技术就是其中之一。调查结果表明,在过去两年中,消费者对Wi-Fi产品的需求有所增加。根据新的分析师报告,未来数年内Wi-Fi市场的销售情况仍将保持增长势头。

Wi-Fi Alliance 首席执行官埃德加·菲格诺(Edgar Figueroa)表示:“Wi-Fi技术扩大了我们的想象空间,现在我们所看到的Wi-Fi技术向前发展的各种方式仅仅只是开始。我们的行业不断创新,以期满足各种应用的连接需求,因此未来数年内Wi-Fi技术的性能和易用性将得到显著扩展。”

Wi-Fi Alliance调查公布的两年期消费者意愿跟踪数据表明,市场对于多种Wi-Fi设备的需求都在增长。62%的受访者表示,他们在购买手机时会确保新手机具备Wi-Fi功能――2008年12月的这个数字为43%。 65%的受访者表示,他们可能会希望2011年购买的所有技术设备都具备Wi-Fi功能。

Wi-Fi设备的出厂量进一步证实了消费者需求的增长趋势。据ABI Research报道,2010年Wi-Fi产品出厂量增加到7.61亿部,比2009年增加了29个百分点。Wi-Fi设备认证数量的持续增长也反映出了Wi-Fi产品的增长趋势。2010年是Wi-Fi Alliance认证数量最多的一年,在这一年中获得Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™认证的产品数量比2009年增加了62%。

ABI Research移动设备研究总监菲利浦·索利斯(Philip Solis)表示: “2010年,蜂窝手机、上网本、电视和便携音乐播放器等Wi-Fi设备的增长幅度最大。我们估计,全球Wi-Fi设备出厂量将持续增加,至2015年将超过20亿部。”


Wakefield Research / Wi-Fi Alliance还调查了现代科技是否满足了受访者对未来的预期。受童年时代的The Jetsons(《杰森一家》)、Star Wars(《星球大战》)和Star Trek(《星际迷航》)等影片的影响,76%的受访者曾认为会飞的汽车、机器人管家和全息通信等技术将会得到普及。虽然这些设想并未成为现实,但现代技术确实已经取得了长足的进步。









Wi-Fi技术不断进步,以满足用户的未来需求。Wi-Fi Alliance最近推出了Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™,对不使用无线网络或接入点的设备对设备通信进行认证。现在,Wi-Fi行业又着眼于提高Wi-Fi流量和射程,即将推出60 GHz频带和5 GHz下的极高流量(VHT)Wi-Fi认证项目。Wi-Fi Alliance还继续致力于企业管理技术的研发,提高家庭和公共热点的易用性。


有关Wi-Fi Direct™或Wi-Fi技术的详细信息,请登录。

调查方法提示:调查对象为1,054名年龄在18周岁以上的美国人。访谈由Wakefield Research20101210日至16日完成。设置限额,以确保受访者可靠而准确地代表年龄在18周岁以上的全体美国人。调查结果错误率为3.02%

关于Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行业协会,由数百家致力于跨越设备和市场类型推动Wi-Fi技术发展的领先企业组成。Wi-Fi Alliance通过技术开发、市场构建和监管项目推动Wi-Fi技术在全球范围内的普及。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 项目于2000年3月启动,提供受到广泛认可的产品可互操作性与质量认证,确保Wi-Fi产品提供最佳使用体验。截止到目前为止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了9,000多项产品认证,有力地推动了Wi-Fi产品和服务在新兴市场和发达市场的广泛使用。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA),Wi-Fi CERTIFIED标志,Wi-Fi标志,Wi-Fi ZONE标志,以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup标志均为Wi-Fi Alliance注册商标;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™,Wi-Fi Direct™,Wi-Fi Protected Setup™,Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance标志均为Wi-Fi Alliance商标。


Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance


Wi-Fi® Offers Unsurpassed Capabilities For the Smart Grid

AUSTIN, TX - December 20, 2010 -- A recent white paper authored by the General Electric Company comparing the power efficiency of Wi-Fi and ZigBee technologies in home Smart Grid applications is flawed, resulting in inaccurate findings.

The report, released on December 9, 2010 and titled, "Energy Efficiency Comparisons of Wireless Communication Technology Options for Smart Grid Enabled Devices" compares Wi-Fi and ZigBee in home Smart Grid applications, focusing on power consumption as the primary evaluation criterion.  The report bases its conclusion on measurements of a single implementation each of ZigBee and Wi-Fi, using Smart Energy Profile 1.0. 

The evaluation was based on old technology and tested only one implementation.
The evaluation that formed the basis for the conclusions in the paper was conducted using ZigBee Smart Energy Profile 1.0, an older protocol which lacks key technical features, such as cyber security and IP communications, now specified by the federal government for Smart Grid use. 

Moreover, the single tested Wi-Fi implementation in the study is based on an 802.11b chip, based on ten-year-old Wi-Fi technology.  Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ technology based upon 802.11n will be very widely used in Smart Grid applications, and is already used in millions of households around the world.  In fact, Wi-Fi offers a range of technology options, including 802.11a, g and n, that suit the diverse range of Smart Grid applications, and none of these technologies was tested.

The study's design leads to inaccurate conclusions on power efficiency.
Because the evaluation was based on old technologies, its conclusions present an inaccurate characterization of the energy efficiency of both ZigBee and Wi-Fi technologies and cannot be used to draw generalized conclusions about the state of Smart Grid communications technology today.

Implementations of any technology using Smart Energy Profile 2.0 - the federally-specified implementation for the Smart Grid - will have increased power consumption compared with the version of the protocol which was tested, because of the additional data transmission requirements inherent in Smart Energy Profile 2.0.  It should be noted that 802.11n, the current generation of Wi-Fi technology, incorporates more efficient data transmission and more sophisticated power-saving mechanisms than 802.11b, and may perform better in an energy efficiency evaluation.  When evaluated using Smart Energy Profile 2.0 the differences in energy consumption between Wi-Fi and ZigBee could be much smaller. 

The study's limited scope excluded important criteria in which Wi-Fi has key strengths.
A recent and significantly more comprehensive Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) study, available at, concludes with a leading ranking for Wi-Fi as the communications protocol technology of choice in smart home appliance applications because of its range and throughput benefits, power management, established certification ecosystem, significant installed base, and more. 

Already the network of choice in an estimated 201 million households worldwide1, Wi-Fi brings a variety of features unmatched by other technologies, including whole-home coverage, IP-based communications, industry-standard security protections, and advanced power management mechanisms that meet the federally-specified requirements of smart energy applications. 


About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association of hundreds of leading companies devoted to the proliferation of Wi-Fi technology across devices and market segments. With technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, the Wi-Fi Alliance has enabled widespread adoption of Wi-Fi worldwide.

The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ program was launched in March 2000.  It provides a widely-recognized designation of interoperability and quality, and it helps to ensure that Wi-Fi enabled products deliver the best user experience.  The Wi-Fi Alliance has completed more than 8,500 product certifications to date, encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets. 

Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi Alliance®, WMM®, Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA), the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo, the Wi-Fi ZONE logo, and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi Direct™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, Wi-Fi Multimedia™, and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.



Karl Stetson
Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance

1Parks Associates, "Networks in the Home: Global Growth; A Report for the Wi-Fi Alliance".