Wi-Fi Alliance® 舉辦Wi-Fi® 智能能源論壇和首屆大型Wi-Fi SEP 2可互操作性展示會

2011831日,美國德州奧斯丁—Wi-Fi Alliance正於本周在芝加哥舉辦智能能源論壇。開幕當日將首次舉辦大型Wi-Fi,SEP 2互用性展示會。此外,美國國家標準技術研究所(NIST)智能電網國家協調員George Arnold博士於星期二早發表了主題演講。

“Wi-Fi產業中智慧能源應用勢不可擋。本次活動是為了讓產業中的傑出者與利益相關者共同見證Wi-Fi SEP2的發展。該產業進步如此迅速真是令人欣喜,不久的將來人們就可以在大批設備上使用Wi-Fi 並運用能源管理解決方案了。”Wi-Fi Alliance執行總監Edgar Figuero說。

已有來自65所公司和機構的100餘人參與此次活動,其中包括電子設備供應商,軟件及網絡供應商,以及公共機構及政府官員,這顯示了智能能源生態系統的廣泛性。論壇特邀發言人提及位於不同領域的一系列企業,例如公共機構設備領域的Duke Energy, Pennsylvania Power 和 Light and Consumers Energy;汽車製造領域的Ford Motor Company;以及家庭電器領域的Whirlpool, LG Electronics 和 A.O. Smith。大會包括多場研討會議,內容涵蓋從家庭網絡架構,社區網\絡,先進測量基礎設施,到公共機構設備及產業應用。

開幕日的聚焦點便是至今首次舉辦, 並由各個產業多家供應商共同參與的大型SEP 2 Wi-Fi展示會。會上展示了SEP 2在Wi-Fi/HomePlug整合解決方案上的操作運行,並可使Wi-Fi直接連接iPad SEP 2客戶應用程式。參加展示會的公司如下:



Elbrys Networks





Intwine Energy

Oak Tree Consulting

Qualcomm Atheros

Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI)



“看到如此多優秀企業前來參展我們倍感自豪。”Wi-Fi Alliance技術總監Greg Ennis博士說。“Wi-Fi在智能能源應用方面持續保持增長趨勢,本次展會證明該產業已經為商業拓展以及科技在智能能源領域的廣泛實現做好了準備。

活動錄影片段包括主題演講和專題研討會將於8月8日在Wi-Fi Alliance YouTube頻道發佈:www.youtube.com/wifialliance.

關於Wi-Fi Alliance


Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行業協會,由數百萬家致力於在Wi-Fi設備和市場領域推廣技術的領先企業組成。利用技術開發,市場建構及項目監管,Wi-Fi Alliance在全球範圍內成功推廣了Wi-Fi技術。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™計劃於2000年3月面世,針對產品品質與可互通性提供受到廣泛認可的認證,更有助於確保Wi-Fi產品為使用者提供最佳的體驗。截至目前為止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了8,000多項產品認證,推動了Wi-Fi產品與服務在新興和成熟市場的普及。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access®(WPA)、Wi-Fi CERTIFIED標識、Wi-Fi標識、Wi-Fi ZONE標識以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup標識均為Wi-Fi Alliance注冊商標;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™、Wi-Fi Direct™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™、Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance標識均為Wi-Fi Alliance商標。

通過Twitter關注我們: twitter.com/wifialliance

訂閱Wi-Fi Alliance新聞:http://www.wi-fi.org/newsroom_rss.php


Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance



無線寬頻聯盟和Wi- Fi Alliance ®攜手合作熱點創新業務

專案協作將提升跨運營商Wi - Fi®漫遊服務,資料下載和使用者體驗

2011621日,法國巴黎訊- Wi-Fi Alliance和無線寬頻聯盟(WBA)正式宣佈開展合作專案,以協調Wi-Fi 熱點相關項目,使其應用和漫遊更加輕鬆。 WBA致力於跨運營商Wi-Fi漫遊業務,而Wi-Fi Alliance也在開展Wi-Fi設備認證專案,二者將通過密切合作與協調,共同發展,從而確保最佳的用戶體驗。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™熱點認證項目旨在創造必要的技術和測試專案,讓Wi-Fi設備可以通過選擇和使用無縫網路,在可靠的安全保護和可交交互操作模式下,輕鬆地與熱點進行連接。Wi-Fi Alliance成員正在為Wi-Fi基礎設施設備以及手機、平板電腦和筆記型電腦終端等確定技術和認證要求。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 熱點認證專案計畫定於2012年中期推出,初步測試活動預計將於今年晚些時候開始。

WBA的下一代熱點(NGH)項目確定了熱點和3G/4G運營商之前互聯互通的要求。NGH專案包括綜合運營商開發指引和生態系統試驗,以方便移入下一代熱點技術。 該項目利用基於Wi-Fi-技術的跨網漫遊及WBA開發的相關業務最佳實踐,適當不同網路間可以進行業務合作,以實現無縫Wi-Fi接入,方便授權網路的資料下載。NGH專案本周將在領先的運營商和供應商之間推出一項試行計畫,開通多運營商網路無縫、安全自動驗證


Wi-Fi Alliance首席執行官Edgar Figueroa表示:“共同努力協調這兩項計畫有助於確保為全世界Wi-Fi熱點用戶體驗的改進提供一個完整的解決方案。WBA的工作正好補充了Wi-Fi Alliance為簡化熱點訪問,提供WPA2™安全防護所作的努力,從而使無縫Wi-Fi漫遊成為可能。。”

無線寬頻聯盟首席執行官Shrikant Shenwai 表示:“隨著全球熱點數目的不斷上漲,Wi-Fi應用對服務提供者而言,其戰略地位的重要性也在不斷攀升,在這一個關鍵時刻,我們兩個機構需要聯合起來共同協作。WBA的下一代熱點項目旨在為全球運營商實現跨網無縫Wi-Fi用戶體驗,同Wi-Fi Alliance的合作將最大限度地令最終使用者,製造商和服務供應商從創新活動中獲取利益。”

關於 Wi-Fi Alliance


Wi-Fi Alliance 是一個全球性非盈利行業協會,由數百家領先公司組成,致力於跨設備和市場領域發展 Wi-Fi 技術。通過技術開發、

市場建設和和標準計畫,Wi-Fi Alliance 推動了 Wi-Fi 技術在全球的廣泛使用。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™計畫啟動於 2000 年 3 月,是一項得到廣泛認可的互通性及品質認證,旨在幫助確保採用 Wi-Fi 技術的產品可提

供最佳的用戶體驗。Wi-Fi Alliance 迄今已完成了超過 1 萬種產品認證,促進了 Wi-Fi 產品與服務在新興及成熟市場上的使用。

Wi-Fi®、Wi-Fi Alliance®、WMM®、Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA)、Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 徽標、Wi-Fi 徽標、Wi-Fi ZONE 徽標和

Wi-Fi Protected Setup 徽標是 Wi-Fi Alliance 的注冊商標。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™、Wi-Fi Direct™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™、Wi-Fi

Multimedia™和 Wi-Fi Alliance 徽標是 Wi-Fi Alliance 的商標




WBA的使命是:通過提升跨技術、設備和網路間的使用者體驗,互通性和服務交付,推動具備Wi-Fi 功能的服務產品的應用。WBA利用其獨特的成員組合和強大的運營商資源,為服務終端使用者,努力打造具備無縫Wi-Fi體驗的生態系統。WBA已經開發了一系列的技術引擎和商業框架,包括屢獲殊榮WRiX(無線漫遊仲介交換),WISPr2.0(現已公佈的Wi-Fi漫遊增強最佳做法)及其他等。這些對於推動Wi-Fi漫遊的全球化發展大有助益。通過這些應用,領先的運營商和漫遊服務供應商,成功實現了連貫一致的Wi-Fi漫遊體驗,同時,減少了實施時間和精力。這些技術引擎正被更為廣泛的生態系統所採納,以整合Wi-Fi 訪問技術,讓3G網路實現Wi-Fi下載和WiMAX-Wi-Fi互通。WBA積極與其他行業論壇合作,以提升和協調無線寬頻漫遊標準。

WBA的成員包括全球57家業內領先的無線寬頻運營商,極具影響力。眾志成城,WBA運營商成員在全球擁有熱點共22萬,覆蓋了歐洲,亞太和美洲主要市場,城市和地區,使用者群超過3.5億。WBA現任董事會成員包括AT&T,BT,Boingo,思科,德國電信,韓國電信,法國Orange,True Internet以及TMN/葡萄牙電信。

通過Twitter關注 Wi-Fi Alliance: twitter.com/wifialliance

Wi-Fi Alliance News RSS連結: http://www.wi-fi.org/newsroom_rss.php

通過Twitter關注 Wireless Broadband Alliance: twitter.com/#!/wballiance

無線寬頻聯盟 News RSS 連結: www.wballiance.com/newsroom/featured-news.html


Wi-Fi Alliance 連絡人:

Karl Stetson

愛德曼(美國) Wi-Fi Alliance項目組



Matthew Whalley

愛德曼(倫敦) Wi-Fi Alliance項目組 +44 (0)20 3047 2325


Sandrine Cormary

愛德曼(法國) Wi-Fi Alliance專案組

+33 (0)1 56 69 73 86 sandrine.cormary@edelman.com


Martin Dyan

Fishburn Hedges 公司 Wireless Broadband Alliance項目組

+44 207 544 3021


Charlie Howard

Fishburn Hedges公司Wireless Broadband Alliance項目組

+44 207 544 3037


Operators Passpoint

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™獲Connected Home 2011 Award大獎

2011531日,德克薩斯州,奧斯丁市—最近在英國倫敦舉辦的Connected Home Global Summit上,Wi-Fi Alliance®推出的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct 計劃獲得互聯標準最佳貢獻獎。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™是一種認證標誌,能夠無需使用傳統的家庭,辦公或熱點網路,而直接創建設備與設備之間的連接。

“我們對設備連接的重要貢獻得到了認可,對此我們感到很自豪。當今世界資訊豐富,Wi-Fi Alliance成員公司為提高Wi-Fi的實用性,合作創造出強大的動態Wi-Fi解決方案。Wi-Fi Direct很好地體現了Wi-Fi®如何不斷發展,從而為高級數碼電器提供完善支援的功能。”Wi-Fi Alliance市場總監Kelly Davis-Felner說。

Wi-Fi Direct連接使用戶無論是在家中還是出門在外都能享受到設備的無間連接,極大滿足了客戶的需求。Wi-Fi Direct認證設備可直接與傳統Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™設備創立連接。Wi-Fi Direct設備時刻在WPA2™安全保護下進行資料傳輸,並且通過另一項Wi-Fi Alliance 創新,Wi-Fi Protected Setup™,輕鬆創建連接。

Wi-Fi Direct認證正大舉進軍家用數碼市場。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct已對多種產品進行認證,由核心技術矽到流行消費電子產品,如高清電視,藍光播放器,家庭影院系統及智能手機。NPD group 下屬部門In-Stat最近公佈一項預測,2011年將運送一億七千三百萬Wi-Fi Direct認證設備—這個比重將近占今年全球Wi-Fi設備運送量的五分之一。

In-Stat研究總監Brian O’Rourke 表示,“Wi-Fi Direct背後的技術提供了引人注目的家庭數碼電器解決方案。隨著應用開發者研發出Wi-Fi Direct連接的新解決方案,我們預測未來一年的增長曲線可能十分強勁。”

想獲取更多資訊,如目前Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct產品清單,技術規格,白皮書等,請登錄www.wi-fi.org/Wi-Fi_Direct.php.

關於Wi-Fi Alliance


Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行業協會,由數百萬家致力於Wi-Fi設備和市場領域推廣Wi-Fi技術的領先企業組成。利用技術研發,市場建構和項目監管,Wi-Fi Alliance在全球範圍內成功推廣了Wi-Fi技術。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™計劃於2000年3月面世,針對產品品質與可互通性提供受到廣泛認可的認證,有助於確保Wi-Fi產品為使用者提供最佳的體驗。到目前為止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了8,000多項產品認證,推動Wi-Fi產品與服務在新興和成熟市場的普及。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access®(WPA)、Wi-Fi CERTIFIED標識、Wi-Fi標識、Wi-Fi ZONE標識以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup標識均為Wi-Fi Alliance注冊商標;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™、Wi-Fi Direct™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™、Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance標識均為Wi-Fi Alliance商標。

通過Twitter關注我們: twitter.com/wifialliance

訂閱Wi-Fi Alliance新聞:http://www.wi-fi.org/newsroom_rss.php


Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance



Wi-Fi Direct

Wi-Fi Alliance®迎來新贊助成員-華為,LG與三星


2011517日,德州奧斯丁訊- 華為技術有限公司、LG電子公司和三星電子有限公司已成為Wi-Fi Alliance贊助成員,三家公司各指定了一名董事加入Wi-Fi Alliance的董事會。這三家技術領袖加入了蘋果公司、Atheros、博通公司、思科公司、康卡斯特公司(Comcast)、戴爾、英特爾、微軟、摩托羅拉解決方案、諾基亞、索尼公司、T-Mobile和德州儀器的行列,成為擁有近400家成員的Wi-Fi Alliance的贊助成員。

Wi-Fi Alliance首席執行官愛德格。菲格諾(Edgar Figueroa)介紹說: “從消費產品和網路設備製造商,到服務提供者和家電製造商,可以說我們的贊助成員來自各多種行業。華為、LG和三星加入贊助成員的行列,將幫助我們緊跟行業發展趨勢,繼續確保Wi-Fi® 設備提供最佳使用者體驗。”

Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球行業組織,由服務提供者、設備製造商和軟體公司組成,致力於推動Wi-Fi技術的普及。Wi-Fi Alliance於2000年3月發佈了Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 產品標誌並發起測試專案,提供得到廣泛認可的可交互操作與安全標誌,説明使用者選擇能夠提供最佳使用體驗的產品。到目前為止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了一萬多項產品認證。

華為公司北美無線首席技術官Wen Tong表示:“華為公司致力於為客戶提供全天候網路接入支援,在這一業務戰略中,Wi-Fi是不可或缺的組成部分。作為網路接入解決方案,Wi-Fi技術正在扮演重要的中心角色。我們 全力支援Wi-Fi Alliance的認證項目,很高興能夠協助Wi-Fi Alliance繼續履行其使命。”

LG電子公司研究員(副總裁)Byoung-Hoon Kim博士表示:“在我們開發的許多暢銷產品中,Wi-Fi技術都是一種極為重要的特性,而且我們的Wi-Fi產品系列還在不斷擴展之中。Wi-Fi Alliance為Wi-Fi技術的發展提供了極為重要的協作環境,因此我們非常高興能夠繼續説明Wi-Fi Alliance為實現其組織目標做出貢獻。”

三星電子高級副總裁、標準與技術推動團隊負責人Joonho Park 博士介紹說:“利用家電、消費類電子產品、手機以及其他設備中的Wi-Fi技術,使用者能夠獲得全方位的使用體驗。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED確保產品具有可互通性,也是Wi-Fi技術為我們的全球客戶所提供的關鍵功能之一。我們很高興能夠加大對Wi-Fi Alliance的投資,以持續提高品質標準。”

加入Wi-Fi Alliance董事會的新董事包括:


華為技術有限公司:Wen Tong博士,北美無線首席技術官,以及Peiying Zhu博士,無線研發與標準高級總監

LG電子公司:Byoung-Hoon Kim博士,研究員(副總裁),以及Jae-Hyung Song先生,高級研發工程師

三星電子有限公司:Joonho Park博士,高級副總裁,標準與技術推動團隊負責人,以及Rakesh Taori先生,標準與技術推動團隊總監


新的贊助成員均為Wi-Fi Alliance的積極參與者,新董事的任命將立即生效。



華為是一家領先的電信解決方案提供商,為全球電信運營商前50強中的45家公司提供服務。華為產品與解決方案已被部署於一百多個國家,為全球三分之一人口的通信需求提供支援。公司致力於提供創新定制型產品、服務與解決方案,以期為客戶創造長期價值和增長機遇。我們的Twitter地址: www.twitter.com/huaweipress ,YouTube地址:http://www.youtube.com/user/HuaweiPress。






三星電子有限公司是半導體、電信、數位媒體和數位融合技術的全球領袖。公司2010年綜合銷售額達到1358億美元,在全球68個國家設有206家辦事,擁有約190,500萬名員工。公司由八種獨立運營的業務單元組成,即視覺顯示、移動通信、電信系統、數位家電、IT解決方案、數位成像、半導體以及液晶顯示器。三星電子被公認為增長最快的全球品牌之一,也是數位電視、半導體晶片、手機和TFT-LCD 的領先製造商。

關於Wi-Fi Alliance


Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行業協會,由數百家致力於跨越設備和市場類型推動Wi-Fi技術發展的領先企業組成。Wi-Fi Alliance通過技術開發、市場構建和監管項目推動Wi-Fi技術在全球範圍內的普及。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA),Wi-Fi CERTIFIED標誌,Wi-Fi標誌,Wi-Fi ZONE標誌,以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup標誌均為Wi-Fi Alliance注冊商標;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™,Wi-Fi Direct™,Wi-Fi Protected Setup™,Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance標誌均為 Wi-Fi Alliance商標。



Wi-Fi Alliance News RSS連結:



Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance



Jannie Luong




Ken Hong LG電子公司


+82 2 3777 3636

John Godfrey




Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™認證數量破萬,繼續為市場增長提供關鍵推動力


2011427日,德州奧斯丁訊-截止到目前為止,全球非盈利貿易協會、Wi-Fi®產業中心Wi-Fi Alliance®已經為一萬多種產品授予Wi-Fi CERTIFIED標誌。在Wi-Fi CERTIFIED的推動下,無數Wi-Fi設備正在為使用者提供最新性能和安全保護功能,還可實現不同品牌產品之間的交互操作。

自Wi-Fi認證項目於2000年3月推出以來,具有可交互操作和安全保護特性的Wi-Fi產品全球需求始終呈現增長趨勢。在專案推動過程中,產品認證數量一直呈指數級增長,反映出Wi-Fi技術在現代連接世界中所發揮的重要作用。Wi-Fi Alliance曾用八年時間實現5,000種認證產品的目標,而現在,僅2010年一年的認證數量就超過了2,000種。

Wi-Fi Alliance 首席執行官愛德格·菲格諾表示:“Wi-Fi CERTIFIED項目的影響力和出色價值令我們引以為豪。僅僅十年前,Wi-Fi技術還處於起步階段,而今天的Wi-Fi已成為推動新產品、新應用和新市場發展的主要推動力量,我們致力於進一步擴展連線性,豐富使用體驗。我們將持續開發多種Wi-Fi新功能和應用,因此Wi-Fi認證仍將是連接體驗的重要組成部分。”

為滿足市場需求,製造商正在認證和製造更多Wi-Fi設備,使Wi-Fi設備數量不斷創下新高。據ABI Research報導,2010年Wi-Fi產品年出廠量增加至7.61億部。到2011年底,這個數字將進一步增加至10億部。2010年,Wi-Fi Alliance認證數量增長了62個百分點,創下了Wi-Fi歷史上的同比增長最高紀錄。

增長最快的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED產品類型包括手機和消費電子產品(如電視、平板電腦和遊戲裝置),這兩種產品占全部認證數量的一半以上。與此相應,第一萬種獲得Wi-Fi認證的產品就是具備Wi-Fi Direct™和Wi-Fi Protected Setup™功能的LED-LCD電視。隨著Wi-Fi技術突破消費電子、手機設備和計算設備的疆域,擴展到工業、智慧能源、醫療衛生、汽車和其他行業,Wi-Fi認證的增長趨勢將得到進一步延續。

ABI Research移動設備資深分析師維多利亞·弗德勒(Victoria Fodale)表示:“Wi-Fi不斷為多種類型的產品增加價值。Wi-Fi設備的安裝與配置更為簡單,使Wi-Fi迅速發展成為技術主流。今天的Wi-Fi技術已經被部署於全球企業、家庭和城市,Wi-Fi認證已成為推動Wi-Fi產業成功發展的主要力量。”

所有Wi-Fi CERTIFIED設備均已通過嚴格的可交互操作測試,能夠與不同品牌的設備和傳統Wi-Fi設備交互操作。Wi-Fi還要求獲得認證的產品必須支援Wi-Fi Protected Access® 2 (WPA2™),即最新發佈的、也是最先進的Wi-Fi安全特性。Wi-Fi認證專案有助於確保出色的用戶體驗,在整個行業範圍內實施經過測試且廣受信賴的技術解決方案,以幫助製造商和服務提供者減少支持成本。由14家獨立授權測試試驗室組成的全球試驗室網路負責完成Wi-Fi CERTIFIED測試。這些試驗室分別位於中國、德國、印度、日本、韓國、西班牙、臺灣和美國。

可登錄http://www.wi-fi.org/search_products.php查看Wi-Fi CERTIFIED產品的完整清單

Wi-Fi Alliance簡介


Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行業協會,由數百家致力於跨越設備和市場類型推動Wi-Fi技術發展的領先企業組成。Wi-Fi Alliance通過技術開發、市場構建和監管項目推動Wi-Fi技術在全球範圍內的普及。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 項目於2000年3月啟動,提供受到廣泛認可的產品可互通性與品質認證,確保Wi-Fi產品提供最佳使用體驗。截止到目前為止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了9,000多項產品認證,有力地推動了Wi-Fi產品和服務在新興市場和發達市場的廣泛使用。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA),Wi-Fi CERTIFIED標誌,Wi-Fi標誌,Wi-Fi ZONE標誌,以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup標誌均為Wi-Fi Alliance注冊商標;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™,Wi-Fi Direct™,Wi-Fi Protected Setup™,Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance標誌均為 Wi-Fi Alliance商標。



Wi-Fi Alliance News RSS連結



Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance



Wi-Fi Alliance® and Continua® Health Alliance collaborate on personal connected health

Austin, TX and Beaverton, Ore. - February 22, 2011 - The Wi-Fi Alliance and Continua Health Alliance have entered into an agreement to facilitate and promote the adoption of Wi-Fi networking technology in connected health applications. The agreement enables cooperative efforts for joint technical review of Wi-Fi Alliance and Continua Health Alliance specifications and guidelines in order to facilitate interoperability of personal health and fitness applications, thus fueling a great user experience and even faster adoption.

The agreement comes as Wi-Fi technology becomes standard in hospitals, doctor's offices and healthcare facilities. Wi-Fi is increasingly being used to connect patient monitoring devices, home healthcare tools and more. Health-related products from companies such as Draeger, Healthsense and Roche have already achieved the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ designation. The Wi-Fi Alliance has a formal work initiative underway to explore additional certification needs for Wi-Fi across a variety of personal and clinical health care use cases.

"The health care industry has truly embraced Wi-Fi technology, which has resulted in improved patient relations, cost savings and organizational efficiencies," said Wi-Fi Alliance CEO, Edgar Figueroa. "Our collaboration with Continua Health Alliance will help drive the advancement and evolution of Wi-Fi, by providing a known and trusted technology to connect health and fitness devices."

Wi-Fi technology has key attributes which make it an excellent choice to connect personal health devices. Wi-Fi provides whole-home coverage, IP-based communications, industry-standard security protections with push-button setup, and advanced power management mechanisms. With the addition of Wi-Fi Direct™, there will be new ways devices can also connect even when there is no Wi-Fi network available.

"Given its ubiquity in the home, Wi-Fi will play a key role in empowering individuals to better manage their fitness and health," said Chuck Parker, executive director, Continua Health Alliance. "Creating and implementing cost-effective personal connected healthcare technologies that work together to enable individuals to be proactive about their healthcare requires a rich marketplace of interoperable health devices and services. Working with the base that the Wi-Fi Alliance has established will help make that a reality."

Continua established a product certification program with a consumer-recognizable logo and released its first set of design guidelines in January of 2009, signifying the promise of interoperability across certified products. The testing program provides assurance that Continua CertifiedTM products will work together and have demonstrated a capability to connect in a rigorous testing environment. Products that carry the Continua Certified logo are ‘future-proofed' so they are easy to use and re-use, less labor-intensive, free of inefficient technology duplication, and will not become prematurely obsolete as vendors change models. Continua has certified many products to date and expects to certify many more in the coming months. To see a list of these, visit the Continua website.

The Wi-Fi Alliance launched the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED program in March 2000. It provides a widely recognized designation of interoperability and quality, and it helps to ensure that Wi-Fi-enabled products deliver the best user experience. All Wi-Fi CERTIFIED products implement the latest in security technology - Wi-Fi Protected Access® 2 (WPA2™). The Wi-Fi Alliance has completed more than 9,500 product certifications, encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets.

About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association of hundreds of leading companies devoted to the proliferation of Wi-Fi technology across devices and market segments. With technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, the Wi-Fi Alliance has enabled widespread adoption of Wi-Fi worldwide. Learn more and search for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ products at http://www.wi-fi.org/.

Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi Alliance®, WMM®, Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA), the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo, the Wi-Fi ZONE logo, and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi Direct™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, Wi-Fi Multimedia™, and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

About Continua Health Alliance
Continua Health Alliance is a non-profit, open industry organization of healthcare and technology companies joining together in collaboration to improve the quality of personal healthcare. With more than 240 member companies around the world, Continua is dedicated to establishing a system of interoperable personal connected health solutions with the knowledge that extending those solutions into the home fosters independence, empowers individuals and provides the opportunity for truly personalized health and wellness management. For more information visit: http://www.continuaalliance.org/.

Continua Health Alliance and Wi-Fi are registered trademarks of their respective organizations.

Media contacts:


Karl Stetson
Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance
+1 206-268-2215

Karen Riley Sawyer
Nereus for Continua Health Alliance
+1 503-619-0860





201116日,德州奧斯汀訊- 一項由Wakefield Research與 Wi-Fi Alliance®聯合開展的調查表明,雖然消費者對部份未來技術的期望並未成為現實,但他們已經欣然接受了其他新技術——儘管此前他們從未想過該些技術將會普及,Wi-Fi®技術就是其中之一。調查結果表明,在過去兩年間,消費者對Wi-Fi產品的需求有所增加。根據新的分析師報告,未來數年內Wi-Fi市場的銷售情況仍將保持增長的趨勢。

Wi-Fi Alliance 首席執行官愛德格·菲格諾(Edgar Figueroa)表示:「Wi-Fi技術擴大了我們的想像空間,現在我們看到的Wi-Fi技術向前發展的各種方式僅僅只是個開端。我們的行業將不斷創新,以滿足各種應用的連接需求,因此未來數年內Wi-Fi技術的性能和易用性將得到顯著的擴展。」

Wi-Fi Alliance調查公佈的兩年期消費者意願跟蹤資料表明,市場對於多種Wi-Fi設備的需求均在增長。62%受訪者表示,他們在購買手機時會確保新手機具備Wi-Fi功能――2008年12月的這個數字則為43%。 65%的受訪者表示,他們可能會希望2011年購買的所有技術設備都具備Wi-Fi功能。

Wi-Fi設備的出廠量進一步證實了消費者需求的增長趨勢。據ABI Research報導,2010年Wi-Fi產品出廠量增加到7.61億部,比2009年增加了29個百分點。Wi-Fi設備認證數量的持續增長亦反映出Wi-Fi產品的增長趨勢。2010年是Wi-Fi Alliance認證數量最多的一年,在這一年中獲得Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™認證的產品數量比2009年增加了62%。

ABI Research移動設備研究總監菲利浦·索利斯(Philip Solis)表示: 「2010年,蜂窩手機、上網本、電視和便攜音樂播放器等Wi-Fi設備的增長幅度最大。我們估計,全球Wi-Fi設備出廠量將持續上升,至2015年將超過20億部。」


Wakefield Research / Wi-Fi Alliance還調查了現代科技是否滿足受訪者對未來的預期。受到童年時代的The Jetsons(《傑森一家》)、Star Wars(《星球大戰》)和Star Trek(《星際迷航》)等影片的影響,76%的受訪者曾認為會飛的汽車、機器人管家和全息通訊等技術將會普及。雖然這些設想並未成為現實,但現代技術確實已經取得了長足的進步。









Wi-Fi技術不斷進步,以滿足用戶的未來需求。Wi-Fi Alliance最近推出了Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™,對不使用無線網路或接入點的設備對設備通訊進行認證。現在,Wi-Fi行業又著眼於提高Wi-Fi流量和射程,即將推出60 GHz頻帶和5 GHz下的極高流量(VHT)Wi-Fi認證專案。Wi-Fi Alliance還繼續致力於企業管理技術的研發,以提高家庭和公共熱點的易用性。


有關Wi-Fi Direct™或Wi-Fi技術的詳細資訊,請登錄 http://www.wi-fi.org/。

調查方法提示:調查對象為1,054名年齡在18周歲以上的美國人。訪談由Wakefield Research20101210日至16日完成。該調查設置限額,以確保受訪者可靠而準確地代表年齡在18周歲以上的全體美國人。調查結果錯誤率為3.02%

關於Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi Alliance是一家全球非盈利行業協會,由數百家致力於跨越設備和市場類型推動Wi-Fi技術發展的領先企業組成。Wi-Fi Alliance透過技術開發、市場構建和監管項目推動Wi-Fi技術在全球範圍內的普及。

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 項目於2000年3月啟動,提供受到廣泛認可的產品可互操作性與品質認證,確保Wi-Fi產品提供最佳使用體驗。截至目前為止,Wi-Fi Alliance已完成了9,000多項產品認證,有力地推動了Wi-Fi產品和服務在新興市場和發達市場的廣泛使用。

Wi-Fi®,Wi-Fi Alliance®,WMM®,Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA),Wi-Fi CERTIFIED標誌,Wi-Fi標誌,Wi-Fi ZONE標誌,以及Wi-Fi Protected Setup標誌均為Wi-Fi Alliance注冊商標;Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™,Wi-Fi Direct™,Wi-Fi Protected Setup™,Wi-Fi Multimedia™以及Wi-Fi Alliance標誌均為Wi-Fi Alliance商標。


Karl Stetson

Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance



Wi-Fi® Offers Unsurpassed Capabilities For the Smart Grid

AUSTIN, TX - December 20, 2010 -- A recent white paper authored by the General Electric Company comparing the power efficiency of Wi-Fi and ZigBee technologies in home Smart Grid applications is flawed, resulting in inaccurate findings.

The report, released on December 9, 2010 and titled, "Energy Efficiency Comparisons of Wireless Communication Technology Options for Smart Grid Enabled Devices" compares Wi-Fi and ZigBee in home Smart Grid applications, focusing on power consumption as the primary evaluation criterion.  The report bases its conclusion on measurements of a single implementation each of ZigBee and Wi-Fi, using Smart Energy Profile 1.0. 

The evaluation was based on old technology and tested only one implementation.
The evaluation that formed the basis for the conclusions in the paper was conducted using ZigBee Smart Energy Profile 1.0, an older protocol which lacks key technical features, such as cyber security and IP communications, now specified by the federal government for Smart Grid use. 

Moreover, the single tested Wi-Fi implementation in the study is based on an 802.11b chip, based on ten-year-old Wi-Fi technology.  Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ technology based upon 802.11n will be very widely used in Smart Grid applications, and is already used in millions of households around the world.  In fact, Wi-Fi offers a range of technology options, including 802.11a, g and n, that suit the diverse range of Smart Grid applications, and none of these technologies was tested.

The study's design leads to inaccurate conclusions on power efficiency.
Because the evaluation was based on old technologies, its conclusions present an inaccurate characterization of the energy efficiency of both ZigBee and Wi-Fi technologies and cannot be used to draw generalized conclusions about the state of Smart Grid communications technology today.

Implementations of any technology using Smart Energy Profile 2.0 - the federally-specified implementation for the Smart Grid - will have increased power consumption compared with the version of the protocol which was tested, because of the additional data transmission requirements inherent in Smart Energy Profile 2.0.  It should be noted that 802.11n, the current generation of Wi-Fi technology, incorporates more efficient data transmission and more sophisticated power-saving mechanisms than 802.11b, and may perform better in an energy efficiency evaluation.  When evaluated using Smart Energy Profile 2.0 the differences in energy consumption between Wi-Fi and ZigBee could be much smaller. 

The study's limited scope excluded important criteria in which Wi-Fi has key strengths.
A recent and significantly more comprehensive Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) study, available at www.aham.org/smartgrid, concludes with a leading ranking for Wi-Fi as the communications protocol technology of choice in smart home appliance applications because of its range and throughput benefits, power management, established certification ecosystem, significant installed base, and more. 

Already the network of choice in an estimated 201 million households worldwide1, Wi-Fi brings a variety of features unmatched by other technologies, including whole-home coverage, IP-based communications, industry-standard security protections, and advanced power management mechanisms that meet the federally-specified requirements of smart energy applications. 


About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association of hundreds of leading companies devoted to the proliferation of Wi-Fi technology across devices and market segments. With technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, the Wi-Fi Alliance has enabled widespread adoption of Wi-Fi worldwide.

The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ program was launched in March 2000.  It provides a widely-recognized designation of interoperability and quality, and it helps to ensure that Wi-Fi enabled products deliver the best user experience.  The Wi-Fi Alliance has completed more than 8,500 product certifications to date, encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets. 

Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi Alliance®, WMM®, Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA), the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo, the Wi-Fi ZONE logo, and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi Direct™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, Wi-Fi Multimedia™, and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.



Karl Stetson
Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance

1Parks Associates, "Networks in the Home: Global Growth; A Report for the Wi-Fi Alliance".

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™ receives Popular Science top honor with Best of What’s New 2010 Award

AUSTIN, TX, November 17, 2010 - Less than one month after the Wi-Fi Alliance® launched Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct, the technology behind this new certification program has now been recognized by Popular Science magazine with the Best of What's New 2010 Award.  Each year, the editors of Popular Science search for breakthrough products and technologies that represent a significant leap in their categories, for this award.

"We are proud to have been awarded the Best of What's New 2010 designation from Popular Science," said Kelly Davis-Felner, marketing director of the Wi-Fi Alliance.  "Wi-Fi Direct is industry-shifting innovation and it's already spurring the introduction of a new wave of connectable devices. We're excited to see the technological advancements that will come from this program."

The high tech industry is buzzing about the launch of Wi-Fi Direct certification and the reliable, security-protected connections the underlying technology enables for device-to-device applications.

 "We designed Wi-Fi Direct to enable devices to connect and share, sync, print and play - when, where and how users want," said Davis-Felner.  "Wi-Fi Direct certification means that people will get a terrific connectivity experience, regardless of product brand."

Consumer product vendors have already begun to certify Wi-Fi Direct products.  Two smartphones and multiple reference designs have received Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct designation to date.

This makes the second time Wi-Fi Alliance has received a Popular Science Best of What's New award. Wi-Fi Alliance previously received the award for the launch of 802.11b certification.

"For 23 years, Popular Science has honored the innovations that surprise and amaze us - those that make a positive impact on our world today and challenge our views of what's possible in the future." said Mark Jannot, Editor-in-Chief of Popular Science. "The Best of What's New Award is the magazine's top honor, and the 100 winners - chosen from among thousands of entrants - represent the highest level of achievement in their fields."

The Wi-Fi Direct certification program is based on the Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer technology specification collaboratively developed by silicon and device vendors within the Wi-Fi Alliance. Connections based on the underlying specification will work at typical Wi-Fi speeds and range, protected by WPA2™ certified security protocols.

More information including a current list of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct products, the technical specification, white papers, and more, is available at www.wi-fi.org/Wi-Fi_Direct.php.


About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association of hundreds of leading companies devoted to the proliferation of Wi-Fi technology across devices and market segments. With technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, the Wi-Fi Alliance has enabled widespread adoption of Wi-Fi worldwide.

The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ program was launched in March 2000.  It provides a widely-recognized designation of interoperability and quality, and it helps to ensure that Wi-Fi enabled products deliver the best user experience.  The Wi-Fi Alliance has completed more than 8,000 product certifications to date, encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets. 

Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi Alliance®, WMM®, Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA), the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo, the Wi-Fi ZONE logo, and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi Direct™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, Wi-Fi Multimedia™, and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

About Best of What's New

Each year, the editors of Popular Science review thousands of products in search of the top 100 tech innovations of the year; breakthrough products and technologies that represent a significant leap in their categories. The winners - the Best of What's New - are awarded inclusion in the much-anticipated December issue of Popular Science, the most widely read issue of the year since the debut of Best of What's New in 1987. Best of What's New awards are presented to 100 new products and technologies in 11 categories: Automotive, Aviation & Space, Computing, Engineering, Gadgets, Green Tech, Home Entertainment, Securities, Home Tech, Personal Health and Recreation.

About Popular Science

Founded in 1872, Popular Science is the world's largest science and technology magazine; with a circulation of 1.3 million and 6.8 million monthly readers. Each month, Popular Science reports on the intersection of science and everyday life, with an eye toward what's new and why it matters. Popular Science is published by Bonnier Active Media, a subsidiary of Bonnier Corporation.


Karl Stetson
Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance

Wi-Fi Direct

Wi-Fi Alliance® adds new Authorized Test Laboratory in Korea

AUSTIN, TX, November 16, 2010 - The Wi-Fi Alliance has announced a new Authorized Test Laboratory (ATL) in Seoul, Korea.  Effective this month, TUV Rheinland Korea is the Alliance's newest independent ATL, providing certification testing services to a global roster of Wi-Fi Alliance member companies.  TUV Rheinland Korea joins 13 other independent ATLs in the Alliance's network, which perform tests for more than 380 member companies worldwide.

The growth of Wi-Fi® products developed in Korea has been significant, with more than 20 Korean companies accounting for nearly 25 percent of total product certification volume in the past 12 months.  Nearly half of Wi-Fi Alliance member companies are based in Asia and approximately 25 percent of Wi-Fi products are expected to ship to users in Asia in 2011.1

Wi-Fi is an essential part of daily life in Korea, as it is around the world.  South Korea has one of the largest Wi-Fi hotspot service networks in the world with more than 20,000 locations and growing.  In a recent survey conducted by the Wi-Fi Alliance, 64 percent of Korean respondents would choose to go a week without coffee or tea rather than give up a week of Wi-Fi access2.

"Wi-Fi technology continues to proliferate in consumer electronics and mobile devices making Wi-Fi certification more important than ever to help ensure that Wi-Fi products deliver a good user experience." said Edgar Figueroa, chief executive officer of the Wi-Fi Alliance.  "The addition of the TUV Rheinland Korea Authorized Test Laboratory ensures the continued accessibility of our Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ program in one of our key regions."

A product must undergo a rigorous set of interoperability tests to carry the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, helping to ensure that products from various manufacturers will work together.

"We are proud to become a Wi-Fi Alliance Authorized Test Laboratory and we are committed to testing that meets the rigorous quality standards for which the Wi-Fi Alliance is known," said Stefan Heuer, chief executive officer of TUV Rheinland Korea.  "We are very excited to open our doors for Wi-Fi certification later this month."


About the Wi-Fi Alliance
The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association of hundreds of leading companies devoted to the proliferation of Wi-Fi technology across devices and market segments. With technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, the Wi-Fi Alliance has enabled widespread adoption of Wi-Fi worldwide.

The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ program was launched in March 2000.  It provides a widely-recognized designation of interoperability and quality, and it helps to ensure that Wi-Fi enabled products deliver the best user experience.  The Wi-Fi Alliance has completed more than 8,000 product certifications to date, encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets. 

Wi-Fi®, Wi-Fi Alliance®, WMM®, Wi-Fi Protected Access® (WPA), the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo, the Wi-Fi ZONE logo, and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi Direct™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™, Wi-Fi Multimedia™, and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.


Karl Stetson
A&R Edelman for Wi-Fi Alliance

1ABI Research, December 2009
2Wi-Fi Alliance and Wakefield Research, September 2010